Here's What Road Salt Does to Your Car
Posted: March 9, 2025
When the season changes to spring, our cars often wear the scars of the winter they’ve just endured. And not just from the harsh weather. Road salt helps melt ice, which definitely makes the roads safer. However, there are some definite downsides when it comes to your car. Read on to learn exactly how road salt works—and what road salt does to your car. How...
Car Maintenance You May Be Overlooking
Posted: May 22, 2024
When it comes to our cars, it’s obvious when some things need our attention. Cracking rubber and a streaky windshield in the rain indicate when wiper blades must be replaced. Spotting worn tread or a flat tire when we check our wheels—which we should do every time we drive—is noticeable enough. Anyone who’s owned a car should know that 3,000 miles is the standard interval for...